Olive Bread


Olive Bread
A delicious and simple olive bread that works everytime.
Prep Time
35 min
Cook Time
45 min
Prep Time
35 min
Cook Time
45 min
  1. 650 g Strong white flour
  2. 1 sachet active dry yeast
  3. 1 teaspoon salt
  4. 1 cup torn black olives
  5. 3 tablespoons golden caster sugar
  6. 4 tablespoons olive oil
  7. 425 ml warm water
Making the Dough
  1. Place the flour, salt, sugar, yeast, olives and oil into a large bowl, mix together using a wooden spatula or if you have one a Danish dough whisk. Add the warm water gradually, stirring as you go. Keep adding the water until you begin to form a nice dough that comes together and cleans the sides of the bowl.
Time to Knead
  1. Place the dough onto a floured surface and knead for 10 mins. The dough will eventually become smooth in your hands and you will notice it spring back when you touch it.
Let it Rise
  1. Place the dough inside an oiled bowl and cover with cling film. You can use the same one you mixed it in if you wish. Leave the dough for 1 hour until it has risen and doubled in size.
  2. Heat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius and place a metal sandwich tin filled with water on the bottom shelf.
  3. Flour a metal tray covering the bottom. Shape your dough into a rough oval and place it on the baking tray. Cover with a loose piece of cling film and leave it to rise again in a warm place for 30 minutes. Because the oven is now getting warm you can leave it nearby.
  4. Flour the dough lightly brushing with your hand so the flour covers the top. Using a sharp knife or scissors score the top of the bread. You can be pretty basic with this if you want, if you are feeling adventurous try different patterns.
Bake that Bread
  1. Place the tray in the oven and bake for 45-50 minutes. After 45 minutes check the bread by tapping it on the base, if the loaf sound hollow then you are done.
  1. Use any olives you wish; it all depends what types you prefer. Go olive crazy and mix in a few different ones.
That Ginger Bread Man http://thatgingerbreadman.com/breadblog/

Bake it Video


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